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FAQ for Parents

1:1 Implementation Parent/Guardian FAQs

Florence 1

What does 1:1 mean?

1:1 means that each student enrolled in F1S in grades 3-5 will be issued a Chromebook to use at school beginning on November 12, 2018.  Students will be use their Chromebooks exclusively at school at first, but will transition to taking their devices home beginning in January 2019.

How will the 1:1 implementation change my child’s academic experience at school?

The ability for every student to have access to technology allows teachers to personalize and differentiate instruction in order to meet each student’s needs on an individual basis. Technology can provide unique opportunities for active learning where the teacher takes the role of the facilitator of knowledge and the student becomes a self-directed and engaged learner.  Students will now have increased opportunities to access information, develop research skills and develop critical thinking skills through the use of their Chromebook.

Will there be opportunities for me to learn more about the F1S 1:1 implementation?

Yes!  Each elementary school will offer an informational session for parents and guardians.  In addition to the interactive school informational session, there will be informational videos that are available on both the school and district webpage. Each elementary school has a contact person that is available to answer any questions that you may have.  Contacts are listed on each school’s web page.

What happens if a parent does not want the student to bring the device home?

Parents/guardians understand that their child is responsible for the completion of all necessary work related to the child’s classes. If a parent/guardian decides they do not wish for their child to bring their device home, they will need to sign a form to that effect.

Is there a low cost option for Internet Service for my home?

Yes. AT&T is offering low-cost wireline home Internet service to qualifying households. See the details about Access from At&T here.

AT&T is offering the Access Program to qualifying households within South Carolina where AT&T offers wireline Internet service. This provides low-income households with an affordable, low-cost option for home Internet service.  Read more about ACCESS from AT&T here.

Why is F1S implementing 1:1?

The mission of F1S is to educate, prepare, and inspire our students.  The F1S 1:1 initiative will create a technology-rich environment that transforms and personalizes learning, gives students more choice over what and how they learn, and enhances opportunities for all students. The availability of technology both in and out of the classroom will allow students to have all-the-time learning and will personalize instruction by increasing opportunities for collaboration among students and teachers.

Does this mean my child will no longer have a textbook?

No!  Students have been issued textbooks and will keep those that they are currently using.  It is our belief that technology is an enhancement to the classroom and, when added to what is already successfully in place, will enrich the academic experience that each student has. This 1:1 initiative isn’t about the technology.  It is about improving the teaching and learning so that each student is able to receive more individualized instruction and is consequently set up for success in the classroom.

What will prevent students from accessing inappropriate sites?

Filtering software will be installed on each student’s device and will be active anywhere the student uses the computer, including at home.

Will there be any cost to a parent/guardian?

There is no cost for issuing a Chromebook.  However, students will be responsible for the entire cost of replacement or repair of the digital device damaged through misuse, neglect abuse, or intentional damage. If the device is misused or abused, it could be deemed not covered by the usage fee. Repair/replacement costs may be charged to the student. Incidents of negligence or repeated incidents become the financial responsibility of the family, up to the full replacement cost of the device.

What is a Chromebook?

The Chromebook is a fast computing device, like a laptop, that runs Google’s cloud-based operating system and uses web-based apps and storage. F1S has chosen Chromebooks as the device that our students will be issued. 
Click here to view the video for further explanation of Chromebooks.

Parents/guardians must read and sign the district’s device agreement. F1S has a Device Guide which outlines the specifics of the 1:1 initiative as well as parent/guardian responsibilities.  The F1S Device Guide is accessible through your school’s web page and the district webpage. 
Download the Florence 1 Schools Device Guide 2018-2019 here.

Yes. Each student will return his or her device to the school at the end of the school year, upon withdrawal from the school district, or upon request of a staff member. It must be returned in working condition and fines may be assessed for any damages to the device.

What happens if a device is not working?

The student will be issued a device on loan, if available, while the issue is resolved. Depending upon the issue or service required, students and families may incur costs to fix the device.