- General Overview
- Contact Us!
- My Ride K-12
- General Information
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Download Forms and Links
- Become a Bus Driver
General Overview
Florence One Schools is authorized by the S.C. Department of Education to provide school bus transportation for pupils regularly enrolled within the district's attendance lines. The Transportation Office realizes it is working with one of Florence County's most precious resources—its school children. To help ensure safe, efficient transportation, parents/guardians and students should read the Rules of Conduct so they will know their responsibilities.
Riding the bus is a privilege rather than a right for each student to enjoy. The Transportation Office will do everything within its authority to provide the safest transportation possible for the students in Florence One Schools.
Transportation Mission Statement:
To provide safe and efficient transportation for all eligible students within Florence One Schools. Transportation provides support for Florence One Schools in the following areas:
- To and From School (eligible students)
- Field Trips
- Special Needs
- After School Programs, when offered
- Summer School Programs, when offered
Florence One Schools operates 87 school buses on 250 routes and provides transportation for twelve thousand students each school day. Overall our drivers travel about 10,000 miles a day. The District is broken down into four main areas of responsibility for Transportation, Wilson, West Florence, South Florence, and Special Needs.
1806 E National Cemetery Road
Florence, SC 29506
P: 843-673-1118
F: 843-673-5797
E: Transportation@fsd1.org
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My Ride K-12
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Track your child's bus
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My Ride K-12 Disclaimer
Please note: The bus tracking in this app is for the student primary bus route. Tracking for substitute routes is not available at this time. Updates may be delayed for routes in rural areas.
General Information
- General Information
- Waiting to Board the School Bus
- Riding the School Bus
- Leaving the Bus
- Request of Parents or Guardians
- School Bus Stop Laws
General Information
1. Students can only switch from their assigned bus with a written request from a parent/guardian. The school principal and the transportation director will evaluate each request. If parents request a drop off other than the normal stop, they must make this request in writing and have it notarized, there is a form attached to this website. The new stop location must be within the child’s assigned school zone and be on a space available basis.
2. Complaints or safety concerns regarding a bus or bus driver should be made to the Transportation Office.
3. All bus students are expected to obey the principals and teachers at each school their bus serves. The student's school principal will discipline students who disobey any school official on school grounds (which include school buses).
4. Most school buses in Florence School District One are equipped with a video and audio recording device which can be used to monitor passenger and bus activity. Student behavior on the bus and the driver's management of the behavior are key elements for a safe bus ride. The video/audio recorder on a school bus is an aid to monitor discipline. It does not replace the discipline policy, the authority of the driver, or the responsibility of school officials. Requests to view a video or audio recording can only be made by drivers, school administrators, or parents/guardians and must be made through the administrator at the child’s school. Requests to review recordings will be granted when there is "just cause" and with the intent of observing and resolving a particular problem or situation. Viewings will be conducted only within the presence of a school administrator.
5. These regulations were established for the protection of students, school officials, school property and the motoring public. Students who fail to follow these rules could lose the privilege to ride any Florence School District One bus. When, in the judgment of school district officials, any bus student's behavior endangers the lives of other bus students and the motoring public, then that student can be immediately removed from the bus. Bus privileges will remain suspended until the student has had a conference with the school principal.
6. Bus drivers cannot suspend a student from riding the bus. Only the principal of the school the student attends or the transportation director can make this decision.
7. All students are subject to transportation laws, rules, and regulations from the time they board a school bus until the bus route is completed or until the students arrive at their normal destinations, either home or school
8. Should a bus arrive at an assigned bus stop for a two week period, and no students board the bus, the bus stop will be deactivated. Should the parents wish to reactivate the bus stop, they will need to contact the Transportation Office and it may take up to four business days to complete the process.
Waiting to Board the School Bus
1. All bus drivers are expected to arrive at each designated stop within the same ten minutes of the set hour each day, unless there are uncontrollable factors (mechanical problems, inclement weather, or student misbehavior).
2. Because school buses operate on a very tight schedule, students should arrive at the bus stop fifteen minutes ahead of the bus. Each student should be on time—bus drivers will not wait for those who are late unless it's during inclement weather.
3. While waiting for the bus, students, books, or other objects should remain out of the roadway.
4. Students should wait in an orderly manner, remain in a line at least twelve feet from the bus when it stops to pick up passengers, and should move toward the bus only after the driver signals them to do so.
5. Students are asked not to damage property such as flowers, shrubbery, fences, or other items while waiting for the bus.
6. Students may ride only the bus they are regularly assigned.
7. Students are prohibited from bringing the following items on the bus: animals; drinks/food not approved by the district or driver; glass containers; weapons; balloons; oversize items—including band instruments—which obstruct the driver’s view, block the aisle or exits, or displace a student from a seat; and any other item or object which will interfere with the safe operation of a school bus. Radios/tape players/compact disc players/MP-3/Ipod’s players, cell phones, or similar devices and handheld electronic games are not permitted. If a bus driver should discover a student using one of these devices, they are required to submit a disciplinary notice to the appropriate school official.
8. Passengers are to be seated immediately and remain seated while the bus is in motion.
Riding the School Bus
1. The driver of a school bus is in complete charge of the passengers while they are aboard the bus and should be given the same respect as a classroom teacher. Complaints against a driver should be directed to the transportation office.
2. Students should conduct themselves in an acceptable manner at all times. Profanity, obscene gestures, horseplay, throwing objects, fighting, and boisterous or other improper conduct will not be tolerated. Outside of ordinary conversation, classroom behavior will be observed.
3. Students will occupy the seat assigned to them by the driver. All students will have assigned seats and will be required to furnish information for a bus roster. Once seats are assigned, students may be held accountable for damage.
4. The aisle of the bus must remain free of books and other objects.
5. Passengers should keep their arms, head, or other parts of the body inside the bus at all times.
6. The driver's view‑‑of the passengers and to the outside of the bus‑‑must remain unobstructed.
7. Students should refrain from talking to a driver except in an emergency.
8. Passengers should not tamper with the emergency door, fire extinguisher, or other safety equipment on the bus.
9. Students should assist the driver in keeping the bus clean by discarding trash in an appropriate trash receptacle.
10. Students found responsible for damage, defacement, or vandalism will be charged for the damages in conjunction with other disciplinary action.
11. Passengers should show respect for motorists or pedestrians on the route.
12. Eating, drinking, chewing gum and using tobacco products are prohibited on school buses.
13. All students should have a completed School Bus Rider Data Card.
Leaving the Bus
1. Students should remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. Upon arrival at school, students in the front seats will leave the bus first and all will exit in an orderly fashion.
2. Passengers are allowed to leave the bus only at regular designated stops.
3. After exiting the bus, students who must cross the highway should go about twelve feet to the front of the bus and wait until the driver signals them to cross. All students should promptly move away from the bus after exiting and should never go back toward the bus once the driver has broken visual contact with them. Following these instructions saves lives.
Request of Parents or Guardians
Parents or guardians are responsible for the safety, conduct, and timely arrival of their children to, from, and at the designated school bus stop before the arrival of the school bus for pick up and transport to school and the timely departure of the child after the school bus leaves the designated school bus stop after transporting the children from school. (SC-59-67-415)
Supervision of students at bus stops
In recent years, there has been some confusion regarding who is responsible for the supervision of students at a bus stop before the arrival of the bus in the morning and after the bus departs from the stop in the afternoon. In an effort to clarify this matter, the South Carolina Legislature enacted the following in July 2007:
SECTION 59-67-415. Parental responsibility for safe and timely arrival of children to and from bus stop.
Parents or guardians are responsible for the safety, conduct, and the timely arrival of their children to, from, and at the designated school bus stop before the arrival of the school bus for pick up and transport to school and the timely departure of the children after the school bus leaves the designated school bus stop after transporting the children from school. For purposes of this section, the phrase "arrival of the school bus" includes the time that the school bus assigned to the school bus stop activates the required pedestrian safety devices, stops, and loads or unloads students until the school bus deactivates all pedestrian safety devices.
Parents should report all misconduct on school buses to the principal of their children's school.
Parents should report all traffic hazards, unsafe driving practices on the part of the driver, etc., to the Transportation Office.
Parents should encourage students to observe all safety and conduct regulations established for the safe and efficient operation of the school bus and stress the importance of good behavior on the buses.
Parents are not allowed to board a school bus for any reason. Should a parent need to have a conversation with a driver, you are encouraged to make an appointment with the driver and the driver’s supervisor.
Transporting band instruments and other large items on school buses
Each year, there are many questions asked regarding transporting band instruments—and other large objects—on school buses. Florence School District One is bound by federal and state statutes and regulations in all aspects of transportation. The following outlines the positions of the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration and the South Carolina Department of Education regarding what can and cannot be brought onto a school bus:
The US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Standard 17, Pupil Transportation Safety:
……baggage and other items transported in the passenger compartment should be stored so that the aisles are kept clear and the doors and emergency exits of school vehicles remain unobstructed at all times.
South Carolina Department of Education:
Band instruments, or other items, carried on a school bus must be of such size that they can be transported in the student’s lap. This is necessary to insure that all items are kept under the control of the student at all times in case of an accident or an emergency.
School district compliance with this standard is mandatory. No student carry-on items can obstruct the orderly emergency or non-emergency exiting of the school bus. Securement of carry-on items prohibits them from becoming flying objects in the event of an accident. Items on the seats, floor, or obstructing the aisles endanger all students on the bus.
School district transportation personnel are requested to use prudent judgment in determining the instruments that will be allowed on buses under these conditions. Consideration should been given to the size of the instrument as well as the size and physical characteristics of the student in determining each instrument that is acceptable on a school bus.
We will appreciate your cooperation and assistance in complying with these statutes and regulations.
School Bus Stop Laws
When to stop for a School Bus
School Bus Safety
School Bus Stop Laws (clarifying who is required to stop for the school bus stop sign on the roads)
Florence School District One would like to express what the South Carolina Code of Laws states for when a motorist must stop for the school bus.
When traveling on any two-lane road, meaning one lane going in each direction, if the school bus stops and has its red lights flashing and stop arm displayed, then all traffic must stop.
When traveling on any multi-lane road, meaning one or more lanes going in each direction, if you are traveling in the direction with the school bus and the school bus stops and has it red lights flashing and stop arm displayed, then you must stop. However, traffic going in the other direction is not required to stop. There was a modification to this law in August 2003 which changed the multi-lane stops from roads like Palmetto or Irby, which at the time stated all traffic, must stop.
Please be aware, if a driver runs a school bus stop sign in South Carolina, the minimum fine is $1000.00 and a charge of six (6) points on the individual’s driver license. If you are a motorist who travels in other states, you are encouraged to learn school bus stop laws in those states. School bus stop laws do vary from state to state.
School bus drivers cannot deactivate the school bus stop arm until all children have been seated on the bus in the mornings or all students have cleared the unloading area in the afternoons.
See Diagram
Please see text of actual Code of Laws:
SECTION 56-5-2770. Signals and markings on school buses; meeting, overtaking and passing school bus.
(A) The driver of a vehicle meeting or overtaking from either direction a school bus stopped on a highway or private road must stop before reaching the bus where there are in operation on the bus flashing red lights specified in State Department of Education Regulations and Specifications Pertaining to School Buses, and the driver must not proceed until the bus resumes motion or the flashing red lights are no longer actuated.
(B) The driver of a vehicle need not stop upon meeting a stopped school bus when traveling in the opposite direction on a multi-lane highway or multi-lane private road.
(C) The driver of a vehicle must not overtake a school bus which has amber visual signals actuated.
(D) A school bus must be equipped with red and amber visual signals meeting the requirements of State Department of Education Regulations and Specifications Pertaining to School Buses, which must be actuated by the driver whenever the bus is stopped or preparing to stop on the highway for the purpose of receiving or discharging school children. A driver must not actuate the special visual signals when the bus is in designated school bus loading or off-loading areas if the bus is off the roadway entirely.
(E) A school bus must bear upon its front and rear plainly visible signs containing the words 'SCHOOL BUS' in black letters not less than eight inches in height.
(F) A school bus route that requires passengers to be loaded or off-loaded along a multi-lane highway or multi-lane private road must be designed to ensure that a student is not required to cross a multi-lane highway or multi-lane private road.
(G) For the purposes of this section a multi-lane highway or multi-lane private road is a highway or private road that consists of four or more traffic lanes, having at least two traffic lanes traveling in each direction.
SECTION 56-5-2780. Penalties for unlawfully passing a stopped school bus.
(A) A driver of a vehicle violating Section 56-5-2770 (A) or (C) is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or forfeiture of bail for a first offense must be fined not less than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than thirty days. In lieu of imprisonment, the court may require that the individual complete an appropriate term of community service of not fewer than ten days upon terms and conditions the court considers proper. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a first offense for a violation of Section 56-5-2770 (A) or (C) may be tried in magistrate's court. Upon conviction, entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or forfeiture of bail for a second or subsequent violation of Section 56-5-2770 (A) or (C), a person is guilty of a misdemeanor and must be fined not less than two thousand dollars or more than five thousand dollars or imprisoned for not fewer than thirty days and not more than sixty days.
(B) If a driver of a vehicle violates Section 56-5-2770 (A) or (C), and the violation proximately causes great bodily injury or death to a pedestrian, the person is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, entry of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or forfeiture of bond, the person must be:
(1) fined not less than five thousand dollars or more than ten thousand dollars and imprisoned for not less than sixty days or more than one year when great bodily injury results;
(2) fined not less than ten thousand dollars or more than twenty-five thousand dollars and imprisoned for not less than one year or more than five years when death results.
As used in this subsection, 'great bodily injury' means bodily injury which creates a substantial risk of death or which causes serious, permanent disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ.
The department shall suspend the driver's license of a person who is convicted or who receives a sentence upon a plea of guilty or nolo contendere pursuant to this subsection for the term of imprisonment plus one year.
School Bus Safety Rules for Motorist
Motorists need to observe traffic safety rules around school buses. Motorists must learn the “flashing signal light system” that school bus drivers use to alert motorists that they are going to stop to load or unload students:
Yellow flashing lights indicate the bus is preparing to stop to load or unload children. Motorists should slow down and prepare to stop their vehicles.
Red flashing lights and extended stop arm indicate that the bus has stopped and that children are getting on or off. Motorists must stop their cars and wait until the red flashing lights are turned off, the stop arm is withdrawn, and the bus begins moving before they start driving again.
Motorists should also observe the following traffic safety rules:
When backing out of a driveway or leaving a garage, watch out for children walking to the bus stop or walking or bicycling to school.
When driving in neighborhoods and especially in school zones, watch out for young people who may be thinking about getting to school, but may not be thinking about getting there safely.
Slow Down. Watch for children walking in the street, especially where there are no sidewalks. Watch for children playing and gathering near bus stops.
Be Alert and ready to stop. Children arriving late for the bus may dart into the street without looking for traffic.
Railroad Crossings:
This office receives many phone calls each year about waiting on a bus which stops at a railroad crossing and creates a delay for the motorist. However, both Federal and State laws require school buses to stop at all railroad tracks and make certain there is no train before they can cross the tracks. There are situations when a driver stops on the track and if crossing to the other side and stopping at the intersection, the bus may still have the rear end on the tracks, the driver will then have to wait on the tracks until the traffic lights change or the traffic is clear before crossing.
Frequently Asked Questions
- School Zone Locator
- I have a concern about my child's bus driver. Who do I talk to?
- Why does my child have to be at the bus stop so early?
- Why is the bus not allowed to turn around on my private road?
- Why was my child picked up late today?
- Why is my child not allowed to change seats on the bus?
- Why does my child have to walk to the end of the road to catch the bus?
- Why can't the bus stop closer to my house?
- When it is raining, why does my child have to walk home?
- If I do not have transportation to bring my child to school, does my child have the right to ride the bus even if he or she gets in trouble?
- Why are you charging my child for damaging the bus or bus seat?
- Why is my child not allowed to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop without a signed verified note?
- Why is my child not allowed to cross the road to get home earlier?
- Why can't I talk to the driver of my child's bus at the stop?
- Who is responsible for my child when they are waiting at the bus stop?
- How does the district handle discipline on school buses?
- There is a dog close to the bus stop that scares my child, can the stop be moved?
School Zone Locator
I have a concern about my child's bus driver. Who do I talk to?
School bus drivers are concerned about the safety and well-being of the students they transport. Most decisions are made based on the safety of the students. If a parent has a concern or complaint about a driver, he or she should contact the Office of Transportation. The matter will be addressed at the earliest possible time.
Why does my child have to be at the bus stop so early?
Bus routes are monitored closely, and stop times are generally very regular; however, buses can break down, resulting in irregular bus arrivals. This cannot be controlled by school district staff. Riders are instructed to be at their stop 10 to 15 minutes before the regular arrival time of their school bus.
Why is the bus not allowed to turn around on my private road?
Buses need wide areas for maneuvering, clear of all hazards (Limbs, Posts, Cars, etc.) with sufficient surfaces to support the heavy bus and a 60- ft radius for turn-about. The district must have a notarized release to operate on private roads. If you are the owner of a private road or long driveway and would like the Transportation Office to inspect your property for possible turn around, please contact the Office of Transportation (843-673-1118)
Why was my child picked up late today?
Why is my child not allowed to change seats on the bus?
Drivers are instructed to assign seats to students at the beginning of each year. In general, the younger students are asked to sit toward the front of the bus and the older students in the back. This allows the driver to better monitor the students as he or she drives. Assigned seats may also be based on behavior and special needs accommodations. Please be aware that we receive many requests from parents for children to ride in the front seat. However, there is a limited number of front seats, which means that only a few students will be assigned to them. Seating arrangements are made on the best available information about all the students on the bus. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Transportation (843-673-1118)
Why does my child have to walk to the end of the road to catch the bus?
According to the South Carolina State Department's Regulation F, a regular route pattern is usually established by traveling along main roadways and centralized streets within a community or area. School buses are not permitted to leave the designated bus route to travel along roadways unless the student's legal residence is greater than three-tenths (3/10) of a mile from the regular route pattern (SC-59-67-420)
Why can't the bus stop closer to my house?
Based on state regulations (SC-43-80-F), School bus stops cannot be closer than two tenths (2/10) of a mile. Additionally, the stops must be designated as safe points for drop off. If there are multiple stops closer than 2/10 of a mile together, the stops must be combined to make one stop, unless a safety hazard is present. Additionally, students may not be dropped off close to an intersection, which would constitute a safety hazard.
When it is raining, why does my child have to walk home?
According to state regulation, buses are not permitted to leave the regular route during inclement weather; however, students who live along the route may qualify for additional stops. In freezing weather or after heavy rain, some roads in the county are impassable due to ice, snow, or water covering the road. The District will attempt to contact parents in affected areas. If you are aware that weather conditions have made your child's bus stop inaccessible, please contact the Office of Transportation immediately. (843-673-1118)
If I do not have transportation to bring my child to school, does my child have the right to ride the bus even if he or she gets in trouble?
Riding the bus is a privilege and not a right. Correct behavior is the responsibility of the student, not the driver. Students will be held responsible for obeying all student transportation regulations and school district conduct code. Parents are encouraged to talk with their children about the problems that might stem from getting in trouble on the bus.
Why are you charging my child for damaging the bus or bus seat?
Why is my child not allowed to ride a different bus or get off at a different stop without a signed verified note?
All students are assigned to specific buses and load and unload at assigned bus stops. This is primarily to protect the safety of the student. This helps to prevent a student from going to a location that their parents are not aware of, or do not approve of. This also prevents students from becoming lost, and prevents us from having overcrowding. Students are not permitted to change buses without prior approval. All notes sent from home must be given to an Administrator early in the day so that they have adequate time to notify transportation for approval. If a request for change comes into the transportation office late, it may not be approved.
Why is my child not allowed to cross the road to get home earlier?
Why can't I talk to the driver of my child's bus at the stop?
To protect the safety of our students, we do not allow any adult to board the bus or to carry on conversations with the driver or students during the bus route. Parents and other citizens must never interfere with the operation of or board a school bus or threaten the driver or students. The use of threatening, obscene, or profane language addressed to the driver or any passengers entering, leaving, or waiting for a school bus is disorderly conduct.
Who is responsible for my child when they are waiting at the bus stop?
According to state law, parents and guardians are responsible for the safety and conduct of their children going to and from, and while at the bus stop. Parents are encouraged to remind their children not to cross the street until the bus arrives, the lights are flashing red, and the driver signals students to cross.
How does the district handle discipline on school buses?
The bus driver has limited opportunities to monitor students while driving the bus. The driver will record any discipline infractions of which he or she is aware and turn these into the appropriate principal's office. Students should report any problems of which they are aware to the school bus driver and administrator as well. Since the driver cannot observe all student interaction that happens while the bus is in motion.
There is a dog close to the bus stop that scares my child, can the stop be moved?
While the district strives to accommodate parent requests as much as possible, parents should be aware there are some hazards and dangers that cannot be controlled by the district. The initial responsibility for community hazards, including concerns about pets and wildlife, lies with city and county governments, law enforcement and parents. Please contact the appropriate law enforcement agency to control the problem if the bus stop cannot be changed to meet your request.
Download Forms and Links
Become a Bus Driver
How To Become a Certified Bus Driver
Be aware that becoming a bus driver will require passing very strenuous physical test along with written and driving test. We also conduct Drug & Alcohol testing, Sled Check, and Driver Record Checks on all of our applicants
2. After completing the required forms and Sled Check returns, class information (dates, time and location) will be provided to you by the Driver Trainer. You will be required to be on time (You will not be allowed in class late). You must attend all four (4) days of training. You will need to bring a notebook, pen/pencil and your SC Driver’s License. Out of State Licenses should be transferred prior to class.
3. Upon completion of class, you will be required to get a physical; the forms will be provided at the end of the training. You will then go to the DMV to take your written test and receive your CDL permit
4. Once you have a CDL Permit, you will take your first pre-employment drug test and TB Test. The results will be forwarded to the District Transportation Office. After completing that you are to contact Hope Driggers at 843-673-1118. She will schedule a time for you to come in and do paperwork and begin your training process. The process will include Physical Performance (PPT), Behind the Wheel (BTW), Pre-Trip, Skills and Road Trip Training. You are required to receive a minimum of 10 hours of training; however more will be provided if needed. (When you arrive for the PPT and BTW/CDL Road Test you will need to have your CDL Permit, Driver’s License and Physical Card with you.)
5. After you have passed the PPT and BTW Road Test, the examiner will submit your test scores to the Driver Trainer for the State Department of Education. The Driver Trainer will then issue a waiver with the exception of Teachers, Coaches and Supervisors for you to return to the DMV when you are ready to take your CDL Road Test. This must be done within 30 days of receipt of waiver or you will have to be retested for BTW again