Student Support Services
- About
- Scholarships
- Academic Opportunities Guides
- SchooLinks
- School Based Therapist
- Quick Links
- Dual Enrollment Information
About Student Support Services
The Office of Student Support Services is located at 500 S. Dargan Street and serves all K-12 School Counselors, School-Based Therapists, and School Nurses.
Use the tabs to navigate:
- Dual Enrollment Information
- Scholarships
- Academic Opportunities Guides
- SchoolLinks
- School Based Therapists
- Quick Links
- Health Services
- Mental Health Resources
Contact Us
Director of Student Support Services
Office located at the McClenaghan Building, 500 S. Dargan Street
- Annual Scholarships for Florence 1 Students
- Quarterly Scholarships for Florence 1 Students
- March Scholarships
- February Scholarships
- January Scholarships
- December Scholarships
- November Scholarships
- September Scholarships
- August Scholarships
Annual Scholarships for Florence 1 Students
Top Nutrition Coaching Annual Heroes' Legacy Scholarship
Eligibility: Student of a military family (at least one parent has served in the U.S. military at some point) All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $500
Application Deadline: April 1
Scholarship Link: https://www. best-greens-powders# scholarship
Learner's Annual Online Learning Innovator Scholarship
Eligibility: Uses online platforms, tools, resources for further learning and knowledge. All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $500
Application Deadline: April 1
Link to apply:
The Laundry Guru's Annual Sustainable Business Scholarship
Eligibility: Business or Business related major. All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $1,000
Application Deadline: May 1
Link to apply: https://www.thelaundryguru.
Learner Math Lover Scholarship
Eligibility: All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $500
Application Deadline: June 30
Link to apply:
Eligibility: Studying in the STEM field. All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $500
Application Deadline: June 30
Link to apply:
tutoring/calculus#calculus- scholarship
Eligibility: High School Students
Amount: $500
Application Deadline: June 30
Link to apply:
Women’s Leadership Scholarship
Eligibility: All female and female-identifying high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $500
Application Deadline: July 1
Link to apply: https://scholarshipinstitute.
org/best-online-sat-tutoring/# scholarship
Eligibility: All LGBTQ+ identifying high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $500
Application Deadline: July 1
Link to apply: https://www. best-online-nutritionists/# scholarship
Learner's Annual Innovators of Color in STEM Scholarship
Eligibility: Person of color student majoring in STEM. All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $500
Application Deadline: July 1
Link to apply:
tutoring/geometry#geometry- scholarship
Learner's Annual Mental Health Empowerment Scholarship
Eligibility: Faces mental health challenges and/or advocates for mental health awareness. All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $500
Application Deadline: July 1
Link to apply:
tutoring/algebra-1#algebra- scholarship
Mental Health Importance Scholarship
Eligibility: All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $1,000
Application Deadline: November 1
Link to apply:
HeySunday Eco-Warriors Scholarship
Eligibility: All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $1,000
Application Deadline: December 1
Link to apply:
products/our-best-selling- detergent-sheets?selling_plan= 4751098143#scholarship
PrimePutt Scholarship for Women Golfers
Eligibility: All female and female-identifying high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $1,000
Application Deadline: December 1
Link to apply:
VeryVery's Empowering Motherhood Annual Scholarship
Eligibility: A mother. All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $1,000
Application Deadline: February 1
Link to apply:
products/our-best-selling- extra-soft-diapers#scholarship
Learner's Annual Women in STEM Scholarship
Eligibility: Women studying a STEM major. All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $500
Application Deadline: February 1
Link to apply:
houston-math-tutors# scholarship
Quarterly Scholarships for Florence 1 Students Diverse Abilities Quarterly Scholarship
Eligibility: All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students with a disability are eligible to apply.
Amount: $1000
Application Deadline: January 1, April 1, July 1, October 1
Scholarship Link:
Live it Up's Quarterly Community Health Ambassador Scholarship for Nursing Students
Eligibility: Pursuing or planning to pursue a degree in nursing
All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $1000
Application Deadline: March 1, June 1, September 1, December 1
Link to apply:
products/supergreens# scholarship
Live it Up's Quarterly Women in Healthcare Scholarship
Eligibility: Women pursuing a degree in the healthcare field (public health, medicine, healthcare administration, nursing, etc.)
All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $500
Application Deadline: May 1, August 1, November 1, February 1
Link to apply:
blogs/supergreens/best-super- greens-powders#scholarship
Top Nutrition Coaching First-Gen Futures Quarterly Scholarship
Eligibility: A first generation college student (meaning neither of their parents have obtained a four-year college degree). All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $1000
Application Deadline: December 1, March 1, June 1, September 1
Scholarship Link: https://www. nutritionists-near-me# scholarship's Quarterly Mental Health Scholarship for Women
Eligibility: A woman who prioritizes mental health. All high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students are eligible to apply.
Amount: $500
Application Deadline: February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1
Scholarship Link:
adhd/online-diagnosis# scholarship
March Scholarships
February Scholarships
McLeod Volunteer Auxiliary Scholarship
2023 Farrah Turner Leadership Award Application
Florence Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc
The Gray Atkinson Scholars Program will award three $1,000 Scholarships to a graduating Senior from Florence One Schools. A recipient will be chosen from each high school. Students will be notified of their award no later than May 15, 2024.
To apply you must sign in with your district crendentials.
Apply for the Gray Atkinson Scholars Program
The Grove Townhomes Scholars Program will award three $1,000 Scholarships to a graduating Senior from Florence One Schools. A recipient will be chosen from each high school. Students will be notified of their award no later than May 15, 2024.
To apply you must sign in with your district crendentials.
January Scholarships
December Scholarships
Taco Bell Foundation Scholarship
Hampton Wildlife Fund Scholarship Program
Pee Dee Medical Professionals Scholarship - Download Application Packet
Horatio Alger Scholarship Program
Alpha Kappa Alpha Scholarship Program
Sunshine Opportunities Scholarship Program: Scholarship Opportunities in Florida
Foot Locker Scholars Program for Student Athletes
South Carolina Junior Golf Foundation Scholarships
November Scholarships
September Scholarships
Be Bold Scholarship
Award: $25,000
Deadline: Nov 1, 2024
Eligibility Requirements: 12th grade students with a minimum GPA of 2.5 who plan to enroll in college by 2024
Website: Be Bold Scholarship
NSHSS Activism and Advocacy Scholarship
Award: $1,000 (5 Awards)
Deadline: MArch 14, 2024
Eligibility Requirements: Any student enrolled in high school or college
Application Specific Requirements:
Educator Recommendation
Written Response of 500-800 words using one of the following prompts:
What cause are you a passionate advocate/activist for and what is it about this cause that has your dedication? Provide specific examples of your involvement. Tell us about the action you’ve taken to help this cause
Include pictures/videos/media showing your leadership in action (Optional)
Headshot (in color) suitable for posting to the website
Academic Resume
Website: NSHSS Activism and Advocacy Scholarship
College Process Ambassador Program
Award: Up to $1,000
Deadline: Sep 1, 2023
Eligibility Requirements: The Ambassadors are high school seniors, expecting to graduate by the end of the year with postsecondary education plans. Ambassadors should highlight college applications and success resources to support the upcoming class of high school graduates and college students.
Website: College Process Amboassador Program
Speak Up! Scholarship
Awards: $2,000 (5 Awards)
Deadline: Sep 1, 2023
Eligibility Requirements: Juniors and Seniors can be eligible applicants. This scholarship is for students who demonstrate a passion for communication.
Website: Speak Up! Scholarship
NSHSS Foundation Business & Public Policy Scholarship
Award: $1,000
Deadline: Sep 8, 2023
Eligibility Requirements: Graduating high school seniors in the class of 2023 or rising college freshmen who have a minimum GPA of 3.0 who plan to pursue a degree in one of the following disciplines, or something closely related:
Business/Business Administration
Public Policy
Website: NSHSS Foundation Business and Public Policy Scholarship
The Gates Scholarship
Award: $25,000 (over 100 Awards)
Deadline: Sep 15, 2023
Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be a high school senior from one of the following ethnicities: African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian & Pacific Islander, and/or Hispanic American. Applicants must be Pell Grant eligible. They must also be a US citizen, national or permanent resident. Applicants must also be in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative weighted GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent). Eligible applicants must also plan to enroll full-time in a four-year degree program at a US accredited, not-for-profit, private or public college or university.
Website: The Gates Scholarship
Notorious RBG Women of Tomorrow Scholarship
Award: $1,000 (10 Awards)
Deadline: Sep 15, 2023
Eligibility Requirements: High school students that are graduating in 2024, 2025, or 2026; or students who recently graduated in 2023. Female-identified applicants are strongly encouraged to apply; however, all applicants are eligible for the scholarship award.
August Scholarships
No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship
Award: $7,000
Deadline: Oct 29, 2024
Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be a resident of any of the USStates, District of Columbia, or US Territories. Applicants must be at least 16 years of age, enrolled in a college or registered in a high school.
Website: No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship
Points Scholarship
Award: $2,500 (12 Awards)
Deadline: Register to View
Eligibility Requirements: Vary between each listed scholarship. All applicants must plan to enroll and attend a US college or university.
Website: Points Scholarhip
Academic Opportunities Guides
Academic Opportunities Guides
Academic Opportunities Guide
Below are a list of the Academic Opportunities Guides for Florence 1 Schools. Select a year to view the document.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
SchooLinks is a modern, college and career readiness platform to prepares students for what comes after graduation. SchooLinks helps students discover their interests and strengths, explore colleges and careers, and create an individualized career and academic plan that best reflects their post-secondary goals. SchooLinks at Florence 1 Schools is accessible by 9th-12th grade students and their parents, counselors and staff.
SchooLinks features are incredibly user-friendly and were designed to streamline the college and career readiness workflow for counselors and staff.
School Based Therapist
Contact Us!
Contact Us
Krystle D. Graham
Coordinator of Clinical Services
500 S. Dargan Street
Florence SC, 29501
SBT Referral Instructions
SBT Referral Instructions
- Once a teacher has a concern, she should put some classroom interventions in place. They should be listed on the Referral form above the guidance section and can include: conferencing with the student, contacting parents, use of proximity control, modeling, peer support, basic reward/praise/consequences strategies, and ensuring that the child understands the classroom discipline plan (ClassDojo is great)
- If the teacher does not see improvement, she should contact the guidance counselor who should meet with the child (at least 3-5 times) to gain more insight into the behavior, as well as offer the child and family additional strategies to alleviate the concern. These sessions should be documented & marked confidential in ABE.
- If the concern is not alleviated and it is clear that the issue is mental health related, and not a normal developmental issue, the guidance counselor should complete their part of the referral form and discuss with the SBT.
Please note, if the child has a pre-existing DSM-5 diagnosis AND is exhibiting significant symptoms, the SBT may begin our Screening process with the child upon receiving parental consent; however, the REFERRAL FORM is still required.
Professional collaboration among teachers, guidance, school nurses, and SBT's is encouraged.
*If the child expresses suicidal or homicidal ideation, the child should be seen by the School-Based Therapist without delay. The school nurse should also be involved.
Counselor vs SBT on IEP's
Per Dr. Long, if the word "Counselor" is used on an IEP vs. SBT (BHC), the school Guidance Counselor is responsible for providing the counseling.
Referral Forms
Quick Links
Dual Enrollment Information
Dual Enrollment Information
Dual Enrollment Procedures and Guidelines
Florence One Schools Dual Enrollment Program
Florence 1 Schools is committed to provide rigorous opportunities to students in the Dual Enrollment Program that enhances College and Career Readiness and scholarship opportunities.
To Apply for Dual Enrollment with any of our Partner Institutions
- The student must meet with their School Counselor and sign the Dual Enrollment Form in PowerSchool. This signifies the student’s intent to take one or more Dual Enrollment courses the next term. Student’s will not be allowed to enroll in any Dual Enrollment course unless this form is signed. The Parent/Guardian must also sign the Dual Enrollment Form in PowerSchool. The Deadline to sign forms and Register for Fall 2024 is July 22nd.
- If the forms are not signed at the start of Florence One’s Academic Term:
- the student will be removed from Dual Enrollment and placed into a class at the high school in order to maintain full time enrollment status
- tuition and fees associated with the course will be the responsibility of the student/parent;
- The course will not be entered on the student transcript for Florence 1 Schools.
- If the forms are not signed at the start of Florence One’s Academic Term:
- The student must then apply to one of the partner colleges for their Dual Enrollment Program.
- Be a Junior or Senior
- Have a cumulative 3.0 GPA on the SC Uniform Grading Scale
- Have completed three high school English courses and four Math courses to take a college level English or Math
- Have completed three high school Lab Science courses to take a college level Science.
- The student must then be accepted into the partner institution for Dual Enrollment and be listed on the roster sent from the college to the high school.
- If the student is not on the roster, they will be placed into a course at the high school.
- Student’s must maintain a B or Better in Dual Enrollment Courses. If a student makes more than two C’s in any semester they will be dropped from the program.
Dual Enrollment Responsibilities
Students AND parents/guardians must sign a Dual Enrollment Agreement no later than July 22, 2024 (Fall) or December 13, 2024 (Spring).
Dual enrollment online courses may replace courses taken on the high school campus. Juniors are required to take 4 courses each semester. Seniors are required to take a minimum of 3 courses each semester.
Dual Enrollment Courses can be dropped within the first five days of the university start date without penalty.
Dual Erollment Start Date | No Penalty Drop Date |
Fall - August 19, 2024 | Fall - August 26, 2024 |
Spring - January 6, 2025 | Spring - January 10, 2025 |
*Start dates subject to change.
Withdrawal from Dual Enrollment Course
If a student withdraws between Day 6-21 of the course, he/she will be responsible for half of the cost of the course($150) and receive a ‘WP/Withdraw Pass’ on the high school transcript.
If a student withdraws anytime AFTER Day 21, he/she will be responsible for the full amount of the course($300) and receive a WF/Withdraw Failing on the high school transcript.
If a student withdraws from a Dual Enrollment course and they are not scheduled into another course (Dual Enrollment or on the high school campus), their academic status may be below full time which could result in an athlete being ineligible for participation in sports.
Students who owe a repayment for the cost of the course will automatically have the amount added to the Florence One Online Payment System.
Withdraw Dates | Withdraw Penalties |
Fall - August 27 - September 17 2024 | $150 repayment and WP |
Spring - January 14 - February 3, 2025 | $300 repayment and WF |
*Start dates subject to change.
Summer Dual Enrollment
If a student wishes to enroll in summer courses for Dual Enrollment to be entered on the transcript, the student and parent MUST fill out the Dual Enrollment Form in Powerschool and list the name of the college and course that will be taken prior to the first day of the course. No college courses will be entered on the transcript without approval prior to the start date of the semester course. Colleges for Summer Courses must still be part of a Memorandum of Agreement with Florence One Schools.
Students are responsible for all tuition, books, materials, and fees for the summer courses.
It is the students responsibility to provide the high school with an official transcript at the conclusion of the summer course for placement on the high school transcript. Official transcripts must be provided to the high school no later than the first week of the following Florence 1 School semester.
Download a Printable Copy of Florence 1 Schools Dual Enrollment Program
Dual Enrollment Partner Colleges
Coker University
Coker University Dual Enrollment
College of Charleston
College of Charleston Youth Precollege Programs
Columbia International University
Columbia International University Dual Enrollment
Horry-Georgetown Technical College
Horry-Georgetown Technical College Pace/Dual Enrollment Admissions (Electrical Lineman Program)
South Carolina State University
South Carolina State University Enrollment Management
Winthrop University
Winthrop University Dual Enrollment