Our department provides service and support to employees of Florence 1 Schools by processing employee payrolls. Through this process we also assist with deductions, wage garnishments, levies, annuities, etc. We run a Semi-monthly payroll cycle for all employees. Semi-monthly employees are paid on the 15th and 29th of each month. Calendars with specific payroll dates are provided.
We have provided information to answer our most frequently asked questions located throughout the payroll portion of this website. For more specific payroll questions and concerns, please feel free to call or email payroll at
For information on how to access your live paycheck paystub or direct deposit notification click HERE.
*All Semi Monthly pay dates will be on the 15th and the 29th of each month unless those dates fall on a date in which the Federal Reserve System is closed. The Federal Reserve System is closed on weekends and the following Holidays. For holidays falling on Saturday, Federal Reserve Banks and Branches will be closed the preceding Friday. For holidays falling on Sunday, all Federal Reserve Banks and Branches will be closed the following Monday.
- Contact Us
- New Employee Payroll Orientation
- Salary Scales
- Payroll Schedule Dates
- Payroll Holidays
- Payroll Self-Service
- Updating Your Information and Forms
- Deduction Codes