Program Overview
Program Overview
The ESOL program in Florence One is a state-funded instructional program for eligible multilingual learners in grades K-12. Teachers work closely with ML students in the domains of reading, writing, listening, and speaking to improve English proficiency. ESOL instruction is planned and implemented using the Wida English Language Development Standards. The WIDA standards are used as a guide to planning supportive lessons for English proficiency and improvement in academic content areas. The objectives and standards taught are correlated to the content area standards expected of all students in South Carolina classrooms.
It is the intent of Florence One that every student identified as limited in English proficiency, or whose primary language is something other than English, be provided with an equal opportunity to benefit from available services and educational programs. It is the goal of the ESOL program to enable ML students to become competent in the English language, participate effectively in the classroom, become involved members of the school community, and ultimately become productive citizens.
Identification and Placement
- A Home Language Survey must be completed for each student registering for enrollment in Florence One Schools. Click here for a link to the surveys.
- If any response on the Home Language Survey indicates the use of a language other than English by the student or an individual in the home, then further information must be obtained to determine the student’s English-language proficiency.
- Based on the identification of a potential ELL through the Home Language Survey, new ELLs must be tested within thirty days of enrollment at the beginning of the school year, and within two weeks thereafter within the school year.
- An assessment is administered to determine English proficiency and the results are used to determine the student’s level of English proficiency and to make appropriate instructional and program placement decisions.
- Direct all questions and concerns to