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Parent and Family Engagement

MLL Parent and Family Engagement

Talking Points

ESOL teachers in Florence One use talking points to communicate with families in many languages. TalkingPoints allows teachers  to connect and communicate with parents via text messaging directly to their phones and in their native languages. Visit for more information on this valuable resource.

Preschool Parent Engagement

Florence One held a Preschool Parent Engagement meeting on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, to provide parents with information on enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year. The meeting also provided an opportunity for parents to explore the benefits of preschool and ask questions about the program format. For questions about the preschool program in Florence One, please contact  Dr. Catherine Sanderson at

Preschool Webinar

Advanced Placement Parent Engagement Meeting

West Florence High School held a parent engagement meeting on Thursday, May 20  to inform parents and students about advanced placement course options. The program is available to all students and offers college credit and an AP Capstone diploma. Please contact Sherry Young at for more information about the benefits of advanced placement courses for next school year.

Family Newsletter

Each year the ESOL team provides a newsletter for parents. This newsletter includes student spotlights, community information, strategies for success, and encourages family involvement. See the most recent copy of our summer newsletter and archived copies are linked as well.

Immersion Parent Engagement Meeting

Delmae Elementary held a parent engagement meeting to provide information on the Dual Language  Immersion program. Teachers also provided parents with reading strategies at each grade level to offer reading support in the home. Please review the recordings provided for valuable resources for reading with your child at home. For more information on the immersion program contact Jernalee Shepard at

Immersion Video

IB Program Parent Engagement Meeting

On Thursday, February 18, 2021, the Primary Years Program in Florence One held an informational meeting for parents interested in enrolling for the 21-22 school year. The presentation included information for families looking for a rigorous and challenging program that is inquiry-based and theme-oriented. Please contact Holly Shirey at with questions about the International Baccalaureate program in Florence One Schools.

PYP Parent Engagement

Archived Newsletters