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Home Language Surveys

Multilingual Learners Program


Home Language Survey

Parents of every newly-enrolling student in a South Carolina school district will be asked to complete this survey in all grade levels from 3K–12th grade. The following questions are asked on the HLS:

1. What is the language that the student first acquired? (The first language spoken)

2. What language(s) is spoken most often by the student? (Primary language)

3. What is the primary language used in the home, regardless of the language spoken by the student? (Home language)

4. In what language do you wish to have communication from the school?

Questions 1–3 are used to determine if the student will participate in step two of the identification process—identification screening assessment. If a language other than English is indicated for questions 1–3, the student participates in identification assessment screening to determine EL eligibility status. If English is the only language indicated for questions 1–3, the student does not participate in identification assessment screening and is considered a native English speaker. The fourth question is not a question that determines whether a student participates in identification assessment screening; it is a question that helps schools identify how to best communicate with parents and families.

Home Language Surveys Translated