At what age can I register my student for kindergarten?
The student would need to be 5 years old on or before September 1st.
Can I enroll my student in Florence One Schools if I reside in another school district?
The student would be classified as an out of district student and would require a letter of release from the resident school district and required tuition payment. The district will determine if the student is eligible for enrollment and the school placement. Tuition fees are paid yearly per student. Payments are due in one payment due upon registration approval of the student. Call the office for the tuition amounts. Learn more about our of district residency.
Can I use a relative or someone else’s address to register my student?
No, student’s address for registration is based off of the legal primary residency of the person with legal and physical custody of the student.
How can I request a transfer from the zone school to another school within district?
Transfer request forms are available at Office of Attendance and Zoning. When submitting a request you will need to write a letter explaining in detail the reason for the transfer request and provide your two proofs of residency along with your driver’s license/ID. The request will be reviewed for a decision of approved or denied. If a student has attendance or disciplinary issues then the student will not be eligible for a transfer.
How do I determine what school my student would attend?
How do I register my student?
Learn more about registration here
Is there a virtual option for school for Florence One students?
No, Florence One Schools does not offer a virtual school program. If the parent is looking for online school options they would need to enroll through an accredited online school program.
What documents are needed for proof of residency?
Proof of Residency Document
What happens with my enrolled student if we become evicted during the school year?
If this should occur the parent can communicate to their student’s school or the Office of Attendance and Zoning for assistance. Learn more information about the McKinney Vento Act
What if I live with someone else and the household bills are in their name?
You would need a copy of both driver’s license/ID for the parent and person listed on the utility bill. You would need a current utility bill within the last 30 days of registering. Also, the parent will need one of the following items in their name: current vehicle registration, current Medicaid paperwork, W-2, copy of 2021 filed taxes, and other items we would need to review at the Office of Attendance and Zoning.
Proof of Residency Document