Assessments and Accountability
About Us
Our Mission
The mission of the Office of Assessments and Accountability is to improve student achievement by providing timely, reliable student data and fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making. This is achieved through managing required testing programs, ensuring effective data governance, and upholding high data quality standards.
Shemia Yearwood
Executive Director of Assessments and Accountability
Email Shemia Yearwood
Crystal Fuson
Student Information System Administrator
Email Crystal Fuson
Katie Cullen
Coordinator of Assessments and Accountability
Email Katie Cullen
Florence 1 Schools uses PowerSchool to collect and store vital information to serve our students and families. PowerSchool is a web-based student information system platform that manages instruction, learning, grading, attendance, assessment, state reporting, and student registration through the South Carolina Department of Education. PowerSchool Parent Portal is an online tool that enables parents to see attendance, schedules, and grades.
Grading Practices
Grading Scales
PowerSchool Parent Portal
What is the Parent Portal?
- PowerSchool is the student information system used by all schools in South Carolina. PowerSchool is used for scheduling, taking attendance, storing grades, and more.
- PowerSchool's Parent Portal provides real-time access for parents to their child's grades, attendance, assignments, and more.
- PowerSchool is an online resource that allows you to see your student’s grades, attendance, and teacher assignments. It allows you to set up an email address to receive reports.
Who has access to the Parent Portal?
All parents/guardians who have students in Florence School District One may have access to PowerSchool.
How do I access the Parent Portal website?
How do I request a username and password?
Each school can assign parents/guardian usernames and passwords. Please contact the Student Data Manager at your child’s school:
Briggs Elementary - Edith Orgbon
Brockington Elementary - Sheila Reddin
Carver Elementary - Diana Williamson
Delmae Elementary - Kathy Hewitt
Dewey L. Carter Elementary - Tamika Williams
Greenwood Elementary - Lisa Owens
Lester Elementary - Tracie Vestal
Lucy T. Davis Elementary - Melissa Carter
McLaurin Elementary - Teresa Gibbons
North Vista Elementary - Susan Sharper
Royall Elementary - Kim Benton
Savannah Grove Elementary - Lavonne Johnson
Timrod Elementary - Mary Lee
Wallace Gregg Elementary - Sasha Reed
Moore Middle - Jennifer Carter
Sneed Middle - Elizabeth Smetana
Southside Middle - Amanda Richardson
Williams Middle - Robert Dixon
South Florence High - Millie McFadden
West Florence High - Debbie Gibbs
Wilson High - Angela Green
Rush Academy - Regina Jones
How do I access the Parent Portal App?
PowerSchool is a registered trademark of Pearson School Systems. PowerSchool, PowerTeacher and the Pearson School Systems logo are trademarks of Pearson School Systems.
- 2024-2025 Testing Calendars
- End-of-Course Exams (EOCEP)
- College Entrance Exams
- WIN Assessments
- Gifted and Talented Testing
- Accreditation
- Quick Links
2024-2025 Testing Calendars
Florence 1 Schools will test all English Language Learners January 22-march 5.
Additional information can be found at the SCDE webpage Parent resources are also available by thecan be accessed the WIDA and the SCDE can be found within Parent Resources.
Students in grades K-12 who have been identified as English-Language Learners are required to take ACCESS for ELLs® or Alternate ACCESS each spring. The assessment monitors students' progress in acquiring English language proficiency and supports schools in making decisions about students' proficiency with English in academic contexts.
Assessment documents are available for parents and/or guardians in alternate formats, such as large print, Braille, languages other than English, and oral translation. Alternate formats can be requested from the SCDE or from your child’s school. If you wish to obtain a copy of an assessment brochure or Sample Individual Student Report in an alternative format, or if you have questions regarding these resources, please complete the Student and Parent Resources Alternate Request Form. If you have any questions about alternate format requests, please contact or call (803) 734-8289.
End-of-Course Exams (EOCEP)
florence 1 schools will administer the winter 2024 eocep assesssments beginning with english 2 writing on december 10th. english 2 reading, algebra 1, us history, and biology 1 will follow their exam schedules december 16-19.
Additional information can be found at the SCDE webpage
The End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP) is a statewide high school assessment program for English 2, Algebra 1, Biology 1, and United States History and counts for 20% of the student's course grade. Students currently enrolled in these courses for the first semester will begin testing on December 10, 2024. Please see the High School Testing Calendar for details.
A student and parent brochure can be found here (Spanish translation). A student and parent web page is also available to assist parents who are individuals with a disability as defined by the ADA (
Please note that during testing, students may not be in possession of any electronic devices that can be used for communicating, timing, creating images, or storing images, per the South Carolina Department of Education.
College Entrance Exams
Florence 1 Schools will offer make-up testing to Students in grade 12 October 15th to October 17th for the SAT and on October 1st for the act.
During testing, students may not be in possession of any electronic devices that can be used for communicating, timing, creating images, or storing images.
Students in the eleventh grade are offered the opportunity to take the ACT or the SAT college entrance assessment, at no cost to the students and parents. For selecting students for college entrance exams, grade eleven students are defined as students in their third year of high school after their initial enrollment in the ninth grade. In the fall, twelfth grade students who did not take a ACT or SAT exam the previous year, have the opporutnity to take one of the exams.
Florence 1 Schools will offer the PSAT to 8th and 10th graders October 22nd-24th.
During testing, students may not be in possession of any electronic devices that can be used for communicating, timing, creating images, or storing images.The South Carolina Junior Scholars program identifies current 8th graders with exceptional academic talent. These students are selected based on their performance on the PSAT/NMSQT. Students in the tenth grade are offered the opportunity to take the PSAT, at no cost to the students and parents. For selecting students for the Grade 10 PSAT exams, tenth grade students are defined as students in their second year of high school after their initial enrollment in the ninth grade.
PSAT/NMSQT (Grade 8)
PSAT (Grade 10)
WIN Assessments
Florence 1 Schools will test Students in grade 12 on October 29, 2024 to Octorber 31, 2024.
During testing, students may not be in possession of any electronic devices that can be used for communicating, timing, creating images, or storing images, per the South Carolina Department of Education.
Sample questions can be found here.
The South Carolina Career Readiness test for the 24-25 school year is the WIN Work Ready Math, Reading, and Data Assessments. This assessment will include four component subtests: math, reading and data employability assessments and one soft skills-specific assessment. The Work Ready Assessments match the knowledge, skills, and attributes of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.
More information on the assessments can be found at the South Carolina WIN website.
The South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Assessments (SC READY) is a statewide assessment in English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, and science administered to students in grades 3–8. Students will test following the 2024-25 schedule listed below:
May 13th- Math (grades 3-8)
May 15th- Writing (grades 3-8)
May 19th- Reading A (grades 3-8)
May 20th- Reading B (grades 3-8)
May 22nd- Science (grades 4 & 6)
A student and parent brochure can be found here (Spanish translation). A student and parent web page is also available to assist parents who are individuals with a disability as defined by the ADA ( The Parent Resource page includes ten translations of the Student and Parent Brochures, sample score reports and Score Report User’s Guides which may be helpful to parents. All resources on the SCDE website are in an accessible version compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Parents with disabilities and parents who may not speak or read English may request alternate formats of these documents or other accommodations by completing a Student and Parent Resources Alternate Request Form by contacting or calling (803) 734-8289.
Please note that during testing, students may not be in possession of any electronic devices that can be used for communicating, timing, creating images, or storing images, per the South Carolina Department of Education.
Gifted and Talented Testing
Additional information can be found on the South carolina department of education's gifted and talented webpage.
Gifted and Talented Testing
Both new (grades 2-5) and returning (grades 3-5) students to F1S may be referred for screening. Students referred within proximity of qualifications determined by the Office of Accountability may be tested before the two-year deadline. All other students will be screened for possible testing when scores are two years or older. Referrals will be held until the following school year for all students in whom this applies.
Criteria Dimensions
Dimension A -Reasoning Abilities
Students must score 93% or higher on a nationally-normed aptitude test. Students are eligible for placement on the basis of aptitude score alone if they score 96% or higher on the composite score of a nationally-normed aptitude test (CogAT). No private testing will be accepted for eligibility, but those results may be considered for referral purposes. Placement through aptitude scores alone occurs when scoring 96% or higher on the composite (total) score of a nationally normed aptitude test.
Tests Used: Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), District Cognitive Screening
Dimension B – Academic Achievement
Students must score 94% or higher on reading comprehension and/or mathematical concepts on a nationally-normed achievement test (SC READY, ITBS). Students are NOT eligible on the basis of achievement scores alone.
Tests Used: Iowa Test of Basic Skills, SC Ready Reading, SC Ready Math, STAR Reading, STAR Math
Dimension C - Intellectual/Academic Performance
A student must first meet either dimension A or B before dimension C is considered. In grades 3-6, students must achieve a qualifying score on performance tasks. In grades 6-12, GPA (grade point average) is reviewed in the core content areas using 3.75 on a 4.0 scale as a qualifying score.
Tests Used: SC Performance Tasks, Grade Point Average Grades 6-10
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